Current annual report

Typically released in the fall of every year, the Institute for Work & Health (IWH)’s Annual Report takes a look back at the previous fiscal year. The report includes a theme-based narrative on the fiscal year’s research and knowledge transfer and exchange activities, a look at the year in numbers, and the report of the independent auditor based on its annual review of the Institute’s financial statements.
The 2023/24 Annual Report, titled Connecting for impact
, recognizes that connecting with others who share our vision of healthy, safe and inclusive work is critical to the impact and reach of IWH research. Connection brings deeper understanding of the problems to be solved. It informs the framing of research questions and findings to ensure they are relevant to the end users. Most importantly, it helps build trust in the research process and the evidence it produces. The annual report highlights selected IWH projects in 2023/24 that exemplify the role of connection in achieving the Institute's strategic aims.
Current accomplishments report

Each year, the Institute for Work & Health publishes an Accomplishments Report. This report summarizes the research and knowledge transfer and exchange (KTE) projects and activities undertaken at the Institute in the previous fiscal year. The report provides an update on the status of research, KTE and communications projects and activities, and also lists the publications, grants, awards, collaborators and staff in the previous year.
Current activity plan

Every year, the Institute for Work & Health puts together an Activity Plan detailing the research projects, as well as the knowledge transfer and exchange and communications activities, to be undertaken at the Institute in the coming year. For each project or activity, the plan outlines the rationale for undertaking it, its objectives, the researchers and partner organizations involved, its potential significance, and (if applicable) how it links to the prevention strategies of our core funder, the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development.
Current strategic plan

Social, technological, environmental, economic and political forces are reshaping workplaces, changing work exposures and affecting the ability of workers to sustain healthy and productive work. For policy-makers, employers and workers, the need has never been greater for reliable and impartial information to help guide the way forward.
The Institute for Work & Health (IWH) is committed to providing this information. The four strategic directions that will guide the Institute in producing and sharing work-and-health evidence are laid out in its 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. This plan is the result of a year-long process that engaged stakeholders, members of the IWH Board of Directors and staff to take stock of IWH’s strengths and identify opportunities and priorities for the five-year period.