At Work 104 (Spring 2021)

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All At Work articles about research findings can now be found in the Publications & Resources, on the Plain-language summaries page. At Work articles about events, initiatives, appointments and awards can be found in the News & Events section, on the What’s New page.

Silhouettes of cranberries harvest workers in the light of a sunrise

Claim suppression study in B.C. finds under-claiming of work injury to be common

To what extent are injured workers in British Columbia discouraged from from reporting their lost-time work-related injuries or illnesses? An IWH research team was commissioned to find out the extent of claim suppression, and the circumstances that lead to suppressed claims.
Close-up of a hand holding a surgical mask and a laptop case

What research can do: COVID-related research from IWH: findings to watch for

IWH pandemic-related research includes collaborations with external organizations and modifications of ongoing studies. Here's a look at the findings to come.
female factory worker sitting on floor with tools, looking worried about what to do

Weaker OHS procedures, policies explain small employers’ higher injury risks: study

Workers at small firms are more exposed to hazards and report more work-related injuries and illnesses. But an IWH study finds injury risks in large and small firms even out when weaker OHS policies at small firms are accounted for.
An illustration of young people helping each other climb out of a mountain crevice

Nine trends that will likely shape future of work for groups of vulnerable workers

Climate change, artificial intelligence, robotics and automation. The world of work will look very different in the next two decades as a result of major system-wide changes. What might it hold for vulnerable workers?
A masked young woman works at a hotel reception desk

Education, type of work lessen pandemic job loss in youths with rheumatic diseases

Young adults with rheumatic diseases have generally faced greater challenges in the job market than their healthy peers. That was why an IWH research team set out to examine their work experiences during the pandemic.
Silhouettes of construction workers against an orange sky

Costs of providing UV ray protection at job sites outweighed by averted skin cancers

Ultraviolet radiation due to sun exposure is one of the most common causes of work-related cancer in Ontario. A new study by IWH examines the costs and benefits of providing protective clothing and shade shelter to avert work-related skin cancer over 30 years.
A line drawing of a male figure slumped in a chair, head in hand

Having depression leads to lower earnings over 10 years: study

How much does experiencing a depressive episode hurt an individual's earning potential in Canada? That was the question IWH Research Associate Kathleen Dobson set out to answer.
NEWS is spelled out in scrabble pieces that are sitting on top of a stack of newspapers

IWH Updates - Spring 2021

IWH welcomes new post-doc researcher ~ IWH announces Mustard post-doctoral fellowship recipient ~ Announcing four recipients of the 2021 S. Leonard Syme Fellowships