IWH study finds work-related MSDs in Ontario on the decline
An Institute for Work & Health (IWH) study uses three large population-based data sources to track work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Ontario from 2004 to 2011. The results point to a clear decline.
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IWH’s Sara Macdonald and Trevor King at our PiP booth last year
On April 29-30, come see us at Partners in Prevention 2014
Partners in Prevention, Canada’s largest annual health and safety conference and trade show, is just three weeks away. Come hear IWH’s Dr. Ben Amick, Kiran Kapoor of Workplace Safety and Prevention Services and Miranda Goldberg of Brookfield Lepage Johnson Controls talk about using leading indicators to improve health and safety performance. Plus, visit us at the trade show, where you can check out our tools and products — and enter our draw for an iPad mini. We’re at Booth #625. See you there!
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Examining the front-line capacity to prevent occupational disease
When it comes to identifying and preventing occupational diseases such as skin disease, what skills, knowledge and resources do consultants across Ontario’s health and safety associations bring to the job? This was the focus of a recent study by the Centre for Research Expertise in Occupational Disease (CREOD). It’s also the topic of a recent IWH plenary by centre director Dr. Linn Holness.
Listen to the slidecast
Sign up for our Spring 2014 Systematic Review Workshop
It’s not too late to sign up for our popular three-day workshop on systematic reviews. The upcoming workshop, being held April 30-May 2 in Toronto, is designed to teach you how to plan, conduct and communicate the results of systematic reviews. Please spread the word to clinical trainees, clinicians, decision-makers, academics and researchers who may be interested.
Find out more or register now
Marking National Day of Mourning this month
It’s 30 years since the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) first set aside a day to remember all those who are killed or injured on the job. In 1991, Parliament passed a bill to make April 28 the official National Day of Mourning. Click on our events page for ways to commemorate the day.
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For more information, please contact
Uyen Vu Communications Associate 416-927-2027, ext. 2176
IWH News is distributed monthly by the Institute for Work & Health, an independent, not-for-profit organization that conducts and shares research to protect and improve the health and safety of working people.
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481 University Avenue, Suite 800, Toronto, ON M5G 2E9 CANADA
t: 416-927-2027 f: 416-927-4167 info@iwh.on.ca