Organizing for safety and reliability

Institute for Work & Health
481 University Avenue, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario

Marlys Christianson
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

High reliability organizations are those with the potential for catastrophic failure, yet are nearly error-free in performance. Think aircraft carriers, electrical power grids or wildland firefighting crews. What lessons can these types of organizations, which are amply discussed in high-risk industries, offer to more conventional workplaces? In this plenary, organizational behaviour assistant professor Dr. Marlys Christianson details practices used by these organizations to address emerging problemsincluding some that may seem counterintuitive.

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About IWH Speaker Series

The IWH Speaker Series brings you the latest findings from work and health researchers from the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) and beyond. For those unable to attend, the recorded webinar of most presentations in the IWH Speaker Series are made available on its web page within a week of the event.