Monthly news and research findings from the Institute for Work & Health

IWH News

April 2019

Women more likely than men to experience work disruptions due to unpaid eldercare

The responsibility of caring for older relatives falls to women more than men, and women are experiencing higher rates of work disruption as a result. According to a new Institute for Work & Health (IWH) study, women are more likely than men to stop working, to work part-time or to take time off work during the week due to unpaid eldercare. An open-access paper reporting on this study was published this week in The Journals of Gerontology.

Read about the study

Help shape future of disability and work in Canada: take the DWC survey

Although efforts are being made across Canada to better include people with disabilities in the workforce, significant barriers are still in place. The Disability and Work in Canada (DWC) Steering Committee has developed a draft strategy that envisions a Canada in which people with and without disabilities have the same opportunities and choices in careers, jobs and work. The committee, which includes representatives of the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (a research initiative housed at IWH), is now seeking your input on the draft strategy through a feedback survey.

Take the survey

Ontario employers: tell us your experiences hiring and integrating newcomers

Hiring newcomers can help address the labour shortages that many employers are experiencing. But what challenges do employers face when looking to hire newcomers to fill the job vacancies at their organizations? An IWH research team is seeking to find out. It has interviewed many employers already, and wants to talk to even more. If you’re in Ontario, we want to hear from you—whether you’ve never hired a new immigrant or you’re a pro and have hired many.

Sign up for the study

Public lecture features international expert on precarious work and health inequalities

There’s still time to sign up to hear Dr. Joan Benach’s lecture on the rise of work precarity and its link with health inequalities around the world. Benach, the director of the Health Inequalities Research Group at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain, will explore the use of legislation, policies and other interventions to minimize work precarity. This event—the John R. Evans Lectureship on Global Health—is taking place tomorrow, April 11, at 4:00 p.m. It is hosted by the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health, this year in partnership with IWH.

Sign up for the lecture

See you at Partners in Prevention 2019

Are you going to Partners in Prevention on April 30-May 1? Come by our booth (Booth #525) to check out the latest IWH research findings and tools, and to pick up your copy of our popular handout “5 things we think you should know.” While you’re there, get details about the XXII World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, a global forum on emerging challenges and cutting-edge best practices in occupational health and safety. The World Congress 2020, co-hosted by IWH and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), is coming to Toronto October 4-7, 2020.

Find out more on our events page

Find resources and nearby events to mark National Day of Mourning

April 28 is National Day of Mourning, a day to remember those who lost their lives at work or suffered a work-related illness or injury. A number of IWH prevention partners are holding events or sharing stories to mark the day. You can learn more on our website.

Go to our Day of Mourning events page

Better data, surveillance needed to prevent work-related diseases: Nachemson speaker

The number of deaths due to occupational disease and work-related cancers has well surpassed the number of deaths caused by traumatic work-related injuries. And, fittingly, occupational disease prevention is moving to the top of the agenda in many jurisdictions, including Ontario. But to push forward on prevention, we need better data, said Dr. Paul Demers at last fall’s Nachemson lecture, hosted by IWH. Demers, director of the Occupational Cancer Research Centre (OCRC) in Toronto, noted especially the need for exposure and disease surveillance, such as the Occupational Disease Surveillance System (see below). An article summarizing his remarks is now available on our website.

Read the article

OCRC launches new Occupational Disease Surveillance Program website

OCRC has launched a new website that focuses on the surveillance of occupational diseases and workplace exposures. The Occupational Disease Surveillance Program aims to develop systems to monitor patterns and trends in occupational disease and exposure in Ontario, thus increasing the province’s capacity to identify high-risk populations and provide the evidence needed to implement effective prevention strategies.

Go to the website

For more information, please contact

Cindy Moser
Communications Manager
416-927-2027, ext. 2183

Uyen Vu
Communications Associate

IWH News is distributed monthly by the Institute for Work & Health, an independent, not-for-profit organization that conducts and shares research to protect and improve the health and safety of working people.

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