Monthly news and research findings from the Institute for Work & Health
New policy briefing: estimating the ROI of OHS spending
What’s the return-on-investment (ROI) for every dollar employers spend on occupational health and safety (OHS)? A team at the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) has come up with an estimate for three Ontario sectors—manufacturing, construction and transportation—based on previous research and on Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) data.
Read about the findings |
5 things we think you should know in 2022
Five practical messages you can take away from IWH research over the past year. That’s the idea behind our annual handout, 5 Things We Think You Should Know, created especially for OHS practitioners and stakeholders. Find out what the 2022 messages are.
Download the handout
Finding the ideal daily movement habits for heart health
Which of these two workers has a healthier heart: the desk-bound manager who does her runs in the evenings, or the fulfilment worker who rests up after being on his feet all day long? A study led by IWH Associate Scientist Avi Biswas looks at the different daily movement patterns among Canadian workers, using activity tracker data. In an IWH Speaker Series presentation on June 14, Biswas breaks down six different physical activity routines—and which of those are linked with higher cardiovascular risks.
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Poor interaction with case managers raises risk of distress, Ontario study finds
Injured workers who report having poor interactions with case managers during the workers’ compensation claims process face a higher risk of developing serious or elevated psychological distress later on. That’s according to a recent IWH study that followed a group of Ontario claimants 18 months after their injury.
Find out more |
How funders can best help persons with disabilities get in the labour force
Workers with disabilities are as diverse as able-bodied workers, and the supports they need differ from situation to situation. So, too, do the needs of employers, which come from different sectors and face different circumstances. What kind of government funding would work best, then, to promote the employment of persons with disabilities? Findings from this study, on how and when financial incentives work best, can be summed up in three words.
Find out what they are |
Special issue explores the benefits of inclusion of persons with disabilities
Innovative research from around the world on accessibility, inclusion and belonging is the focus of a new, special issue of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. With IWH’s Senior Scientist Dr. Emile Tompa and Post-Doctoral Researcher Dr. Dan Samosh as guest editors, the issue features case studies of mental illness accommodation in five Canadian workplaces, research on issues of inclusion as they relate to workplace mental health for Indigenous workers, a 25-year look back at the Americans with Disabilities Act, and more.
See the special issue |
IWH now hiring for Director, Strategic Relations
The Institute is looking for a Director, Strategic Relations. This individual will work with IWH’s executive team to amplify the Institute’s provincial, national and international presence, broaden research audiences, and promote diversity among research and stakeholder groups. The individual will also identify opportunities for IWH expertise to contribute to the development of policies, programs and resources at the provincial and federal levels—and particularly within Ontario’s prevention system.
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For more information, please contact
Uyen Vu Senior Communications Associate 613-979-7742
IWH News is distributed monthly by the Institute for Work & Health, an independent, not-for-profit organization that conducts and shares research to protect and improve the health and safety of working people.
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