At Work 49 (Summer 2007)

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All At Work articles about research findings can now be found in the Publications & Resources, on the Plain-language summaries page. At Work articles about events, initiatives, appointments and awards can be found in the News & Events section, on the What’s New page.

Institute viewed as a top work-health research centre globally

Read the assessments made by an international panel convened to evaluate the quality, relevance and impact of the Institute’s work from 2002 to 2006.

Can social marketing campaigns prevent workplace injury and illness?

Are social marketing campaigns effective? IWH researchers set out to answer this question with a recent systematic review.

Training program attracts work and health researchers

An innovative program that attracts international students, the Work Disability Prevention Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Strategic Training Program, aims to build research capacity in young researchers and to create a strong network that examines these complex issues.

Safety climate has “great potential” in reducing workplace injury rates

There has been growing interest in the use of safety climate in injury prevention. The Institute is involved in several areas of research on safety climate

IWH News

Amick appointed as NIOSH counselor ~ Workplace drinking culture studied ~ Institute sponsors play