Typically released in the fall of every year, the Institute for Work & Health (IWH)’s Annual Report takes a look back at the previous fiscal year. The report includes a theme-based narrative on the fiscal year’s research and knowledge transfer and exchange activities, a look at the year in numbers, and the report of the independent auditor based on its annual review of the Institute’s financial statements.
The 2022/23 Annual Report, titled What’s Next
, recognizes that workers, employers and policy-makers are paying attention to the opportunities and threats that technological, economic and social forces present to worker health, safety and inclusion. IWH researchers, too, are paying attention to X factors and preparing for what’s next. The annual report highlights selected IWH projects in 2022/23 and where they are going next. It also shares some of the many testimonials the Institute received over the year about the impact of IWH research.