Journal articles

This database lists peer-reviewed journal articles, books and book chapters that include an Institute for Work & Health (IWH) scientist or researcher (past or present) as an author. Clicking any title will allow you to view a detailed citation and, if available, an abstract. For journal articles by IWH and non-IWH researchers in the areas of occupational health and safety, return to work, workers' compensation, public health and others within the IWH mandate, see our Research Alerts.


Kim IH, Muntaner C, Shahidi FV, Vives A, Vanroelen C, Benach J. Welfare states, flexible employment, and health: a critical review. Health Policy. 2012;104(2):99-127. doi:10.1016/j.healthpol.2011.11.002.
MacEachen E, Lippel K, Saunders R, Kosny A, Mansfield L, Carrasco C, Pugliese D. Workers' compensation experience-rating rules and the danger to worker's safety in the temporary work agency sector. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety. 2012;10(1):77-95.
Gensby U, Lund T, Kowalski K, Saidj M, Klint Jorgensen AMK, Filges T, Irvin E, Amick B, Labriola M. Workplace disability management programs promoting return to work: a systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews. 2012;. doi:10.4073/csr.2012.17.
Pomaki G, Franche RL, Murray E, Khushrushahi N, Lampinen TM. Workplace-based work disability prevention interventions for workers with common mental health conditions: a review of the literature. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2012;22(2):182-195. doi:10.1007/s10926-011-9338-9.


Furlan AD, Chaparro LE, Irvin E, Mailis-Gagnon A. A comparison between enriched and nonenriched enrollment randomized withdrawal trials of opioids for chronic noncancer pain. Pain Research & Management. 2011;16(5):337-351.
Buchbinder R, Batterham R, Elsworth G, Dionne CE, Irvin E, Osborne RH. A validity-driven approach to the understanding of the personal and societal burden of low back pain: development of a conceptual and measurement model. Arthritis Research and Therapy. 2011;13(5):R152-. doi:10.1186/ar3468.
Wijeysundera HC, Mitsakakis N, Witteman W, Paulden M, van der Velde G, Tu JV, Lee DS, Goodman SG, Petrella R, O'Flaherty M, Capewell S, Krahn M. Achieving quality indicator benchmarks and potential impact on coronary heart disease mortality. Canadian Journal of Cardiology. 2011;27(6):756-762. doi:10.1016/j.cjca.2011.06.005.
Breslin FC, Morassaei S, Wood M, Mustard C. Assessing occupational health and safety of young workers who use youth employment centers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2011;54(4):325-337. doi:10.1002/ajim.20937.
Busse JW, Jim J, Jacobs C, Ngo T, Rodine R, Torrance D, Kulkarni AV, Petrisor B, Drew B, Bhandari M. Attitudes towards chiropractic: an analysis of written comments from a survey of North American orthopaedic surgeons. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2011;19(1):25-. doi:10.1186/2045-709X-19-25.
Busse JW, Dolinschi R, Clarke A, Scott L, Hogg-Johnson S, Amick B, Rivilis I, Cole DC. Attitudes towards disability management: a survey of employees returning to work and their supervisors. Work. 2011;40(2):143-151. doi:10.3233/WOR-2011-1215.
Kulkarni AV, Aziz B, Shams I, Busse JW. Author self-citation in the general medicine literature. PLoS One. 2011;6(6):e20885-. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020885.
Novak CB, Anastakis DJ, Beaton DE, Mackinnon SE, Katz J. Biomedical and psychosocial factors associated with disability after peripheral nerve injury. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery - American Volume. 2011;93(10):929-936. doi:10.2106/JBJS.J.00110.
Waseem Z, Boulias C, Gordon A, Ismail F, Sheean G, Furlan AD. Botulinum toxin injections for low-back pain and sciatica. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2011;CD008257-. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD008257.pub2.
Hogg-Johnson S, Cole DC, Lee H, Beaton DE, Kennedy CA, Subrata P. Changes in Physiotherapy Utilization in One Workforce: Implications for Accessibility among Canadian Working-Age Adults. Healthcare Policy. 2011;6(3):93-108.
van der Velde G, Pham B, Machado M, Ieraci L, Witteman W, Bombardier C, Krahn M. Cost-effectiveness of biologic response modifiers compared to disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs for rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review. Arthritis Care & Research. 2011;63(1):65-78. doi:10.1002/acr.20338.
Kurdyak PA, Chong A, Gnam W, Goering P, Alter DA. Depression and self-reported functional status: impact on mortality following acute myocardial infarction. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 2011;17(3):444-451. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2753.2010.01446.x.
Gossec L, Bijlsma JW, Bombardier C, Canhao H, Devlin J, Edwards CJ, Hamuryudan V, Kvien TK, Leeb BF, Martin-Mola E, Mielants H, Muller-Ladner U, Ostergaard M, Pereira IA, Ramos-Remus C, Zochling J, Dougados M. Dissemination and evaluation of the 3E initiative recommendations for use of methotrexate in rheumatic disorders: results of a study among 2233 rheumatologists. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. 2011;70(2):388-389. doi:10.1136/ard.2010.128652.
Koehoorn M, McLeod CB, Fan J, Mcgrail KM, Barer ML, Cote P, Hogg-Johnson S. Do private clinics or expedited fees reduce disability duration for injured workers following knee surgery?. Healthcare Policy. 2011;7(1):55-70.
Rueda S, Raboud J, Mustard C, Bayoumi AM, Lavis JN, Rourke SB. Employment status is associated with both physical and mental health quality of life in people living with HIV. AIDS Care. 2011;23(4):435-443. doi:10.1080/09540121.2010.507952.