Journal articles

This database lists peer-reviewed journal articles, books and book chapters that include an Institute for Work & Health (IWH) scientist or researcher (past or present) as an author. Clicking any title will allow you to view a detailed citation and, if available, an abstract. For journal articles by IWH and non-IWH researchers in the areas of occupational health and safety, return to work, workers' compensation, public health and others within the IWH mandate, see our Research Alerts.


Padkapayeva K, Posen A, Yazdani A, Buettgen A, Mahood Q, Tompa E. Workplace accommodations for persons with physical disabilities: evidence synthesis of the peer-reviewed literature. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2017;39(21):2134. doi:10.1080/09638288.2016.1224276.


Furlan AD, Murphy L. A 46-year-old man with acute low-back pain. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne. 2016;188(6):441-442. doi:10.1503/cmaj.150660.
Tompa E, McLeod CB, Mustard C. A comparative analysis of the financial incentives of two distinct experience-rating programs. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2016;58(7):718-727. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000000754.
Tompa E, Dolinschi R, Alamgir H, Sarnocinska-Hart A, Guzman J. A cost-benefit analysis of peer coaching for overhead lift use in the long-term care sector in Canada. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2016;73(5):308-314. doi:10.1136/oemed-2015-103134.
Williams-Whitt K, Kristman VL, Shaw W, Soklaridis S, Reguly P. A Model of Supervisor Decision-Making in the Accommodation of Workers with Low Back Pain. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2016;26(3):366-381. doi:10.1007/s10926-015-9623-0.
Tompa E, Kalcevich C, Foley M, McLeod CB, Hogg-Johnson S, Cullen KL, MacEachen E, Mahood Q, Irvin E. A systematic literature review of the effectiveness of occupational health and safety regulatory enforcement. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2016;59(11):919-933. doi:10.1002/ajim.22605.
Stergiou-Kita M, Pritlove C, Holness DL, Kirsh B, Van Eerd D, Duncan A, Jones J. Am I ready to return to work? Assisting cancer survivors to determine work readiness. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 2016;10(4):699-710. doi:10.1007/s11764-016-0516-9.
Wong JJ, Shearer HM, Mior S, Jacobs C, Cote P, Randhawa K, Yu H, Southerst D, Varatharajan S, Sutton D, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, Ameis A, Ammendolia C, Brison R, Nordin M, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A. Are manual therapies, passive physical modalities, or acupuncture effective for the management of patients with whiplash-associated disorders or neck pain and associated disorders?. Spine Journal. 2016;16(12):1598. doi:10.1016/j.spinee.2015.08.024.
Varatharajan S, Ferguson B, Chrobak K, Shergill Y, Cote P, Wong JJ, Yu H, Shearer HM, Southerst D, Sutton D, Randhawa K, Jacobs C, Abdulla SY, Woitzik E, Marchand AA, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Ammendolia C, Mior S, Ameis A, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A. Are non-invasive interventions effective for the management of headaches associated with neck pain? An update of the Bone and Joint Decade Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders. European Spine Journal. 2016;25(7):1971-1999. doi:10.1007/s00586-016-4376-9.
Taylor AM, Phillips K, Patel KV, Turk D, Dworkin RH, Beaton DE, Clauw DJ, Gignac MA, Markman JD, Williams DA, Bujanover S, Burke LB, Carr DB, Choy EH, Conaghan PG, Cowan P, Farrar JT, Freeman R, Gewandter J, Gilron I, Goli V, Gover TD, Haddox JD, Kerns RD, Kopecky EA, Lee DA, Malamut R, Mease PJ, Rappaport BA, Simon LS, Singh JA, Smith SM, Strand V, Tugwell P, Vanhove GF, Veasley C, Walco GA, Wasan AD, Witter J. Assessment of physical function and participation in chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT/OMERACT recommendations. Pain. 2016;157(9):1836. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000577.
Mori B, Norman KE, Brooks D, Herold J, Beaton DE. Canadian physiotherapy assessment of clinical performance: face and content validity. Physiotherapy Canada. 2016;68(1):64-72. doi:10.3138/ptc.2015-35E.
Crawford J, Ahmad F, Beaton DE, Bierman AS. Cancer screening behaviours among South Asian immigrants in the UK, US and Canada: a scoping study. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2016;24(2):123-153. doi:10.1111/hsc.12208.
Kosny A, Allen AR, Benke G, MacFarlane EM, Dimitriadis C, Sim MR. Carpentry apprentices work and noise. Journal of Health & Safety, Research & Practice. 2016;8(1):20.
Gross D, Armijo-Olivo S, Shaw W, Williams-Whitt K, Shaw NT, Hartvigsen J, Qin Z, Ha C, Woodhouse LJ, Steenstra I. Clinical decision support tools for selecting interventions for patients with disabling musculoskeletal disorders: a scoping review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2016;26(3):286-318. doi:10.1007/s10926-015-9614-1.
Jetha A, Besen E, Smith PM. Comparing the relationship between age and length of disability across common chronic conditions. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2016;58(5):485-491. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000000702.
Rotondi NK, Beaton DE, Elliot-Gibson V, Sujic R, Josse RG, Sale JEM, Leslie WD, Bogoch ER. Comparison of CAROC and FRAX in fragility fracture patients: agreement, clinical utility, and implications for clinical practice. Journal of Rheumatology. 2016;43(8):1593-1599. doi:10.3899/jrheum.151409.
Gardner BT, Dale AM, Buckner-Petty S, Van Dillen L, Amick B, Evanoff B. Comparison of employer productivity metrics to lost productivity estimated by commonly used questionnaires. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2016;58(2):170-177. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000000587.
Carnide N, Franche RL, Hogg-Johnson S, Cote P, Breslin FC, Severin C, Bultmann U, Krause N. Course of depressive symptoms following a workplace injury: a 12-month follow-up update. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2016;26(2):204-215. doi:10.1007/s10926-015-9604-3.
Yazdani A, Bigelow P, Carlan N, Naqvi S, Robson LS, Steenstra I, McMillan K, Wells R. Development and evaluation of a questionnaire to document worker exposures to mechanical loading at a workplace level. IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors. 2016;4(1):38-53. doi:10.1080/21577323.2016.1179701.
Oude Voshaar M, van Onna M, van Genderen S, van de Laar M, van der Heijde D, Heuft L, Spoorenberg A, Luime J, Gignac MA, Boonen A. Development and validation of a short form of the social role participation questionnaire in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Journal of Rheumatology. 2016;43(7):1386-1392. doi:10.3899/jrheum.151013.
Elbers NA, Collie A, Hogg-Johnson S, Lippel K, Lockwood K, Cameron ID. Differences in perceived fairness and health outcomes in two injury compensation systems: a comparative study. BMC Public Health. 2016;16:658-. doi:10.1186/s12889-016-3331-3.
Van Eerd D, King T, Keown K, Slack T, Cole DC, Irvin E, Amick B, Bigelow P. Dissemination and use of a participatory ergonomics guide for workplaces. Ergonomics. 2016;59(6):851-858. doi:10.1080/00140139.2015.1088073.