Journal articles
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This database lists peer-reviewed journal articles, books and book chapters that include an Institute for Work & Health (IWH) scientist or researcher (past or present) as an author. Clicking any title will allow you to view a detailed citation and, if available, an abstract. For journal articles by IWH and non-IWH researchers in the areas of occupational health and safety, return to work, workers' compensation, public health and others within the IWH mandate, see our Research Alerts.
Kokorelias KM, Gignac MA, Naglie G, Rittenberg N, Cameron JI. Caregivers' decision-making for health service utilisation across the Alzheimer's disease trajectory. Health and Social Care in the Community. 2022;30(4):1344-1352. doi:10.1111/hsc.13464.
Sud A, Buchman DZ, Furlan AD, Selby P, Spithoff SM, Upshur REG. Chronic pain and opioid prescribing: three ways for navigating complexity at the clinical-population health interface. American Journal of Public Health. 2022;112(1):S56-S65. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2021.306500.
Hayden JA, Ogilvie R, Singh S, Kashif S, Hartvigsen J, Maher CG, Furlan AD. Commentary: collaborative systematic review may produce and share high-quality, comparative evidence more efficiently. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2022;152:288-294. doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2022.09.013.
Furlan AD, Irvin E. Conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis in rehabilitation. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2022;101(10):965-974. doi:10.1097/PHM.0000000000001933.
Wong IS, Quay B, Irvin E, Belzer MH. Describing economic benefits and costs of nonstandard work hours: a scoping review. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2022;65(11):926-939. doi:10.1002/ajim.23302.
Tompa E, Mofidi A, Jetha A, lahey P, Buettgen A. Development and implementation of a framework for estimating the economic benefits of an accessible and inclusive society. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 2022;41(3):318-339. doi:10.1108/EDI-07-2020-0186.
Nowak LL, Hall J, Davis AM, McKee MD, Mamdani M, Beaton DE, Schemitsch EH. Development and internal validation of novel risk tools to predict subsequent shoulder surgery after proximal humerus fractures. Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 2022;36(6):e236-e242. doi:10.1097/BOT.0000000000002302.
Sandhu HK, Shaw J, Carnes D, Furlan AD, Tysall C, Adjei H, Muthiah C. Development and testing of an opioid tapering self-management intervention for chronic pain: I-WOTCH. BMJ Open. 2022;12(3):e053725. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053725.
Biswas A, Harbin S, Irvin E, Johnston H, Begum M, Tiong M, Apedaile D, Koehoorn M, Smith PM. Differences between men and women in their risk of work injury and disability: a systematic review. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2022;65(7):576-588. doi:10.1002/ajim.23364.
Sears JM, Fulton-Kehoe D, Hogg-Johnson S. Differential underestimation of work-related reinjury risk for older workers: challenges to producing accurate rate estimates. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2022;65(8):627-643. doi:10.1002/ajim.23403.
Pentland V, Spilsbury S, Biswas A, Mottola MF, Paplinskie S, Mitchell MS. Does walking reduce postpartum depressive symptoms? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Women's Health. 2022;31(4):555-563. doi:10.1089/jwh.2021.0296.
Yanar B, Nasir K, Massoud A, Usmani S, Premji S, Smith PM. Employers' experiences with safe work integration of recent immigrants and refugees. Safety Science. 2022;155:105856. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2022.105856.
Macpherson RA, He A, Amick B, Koehoorn M, McLeod CB. Evaluating effectiveness of an integrated return-to-work and vocational rehabilitation program on work disability duration in the construction sector. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 2022;48(3):229-238. doi:10.5271/sjweh.4006.
Gevers-Montoro C, Deldar Z, Furlan AD, Lazar EA, Ghalibaf E, Ortega-De Mues A, Khatibi A. From hands-on to remote: moderators of response to a novel self-management telehealth programme during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Journal of Pain. 2022;26(6):1368-1379. doi:10.1002/ejp.1968.
Orchard C, Smith PM, Kromhout H. Gender differences in authorship prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic in research submissions to Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2017-2021). Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 2022;79(6):361-364. doi:10.1136/oemed-2021-107915.
Tompa E, Samosh D, Santuzzi AM. Guest editorial. The benefits of inclusion: disability and work in the 21st century. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 2022;41(3):309-317. doi:10.1108/EDI-04-2022-376.
Dobson KG , Mustard C, Carnide N, Furlan AD, Smith PM. Impact of persistent pain symptoms on work absence, health status and employment 18 months following disabling work-related injury or illness. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2022;79(10):697-705. doi:10.1136/oemed-2022-108383.
Amberson T, Graves JM, Sears JM. Implementing the Total Worker Health program in a shared governance context. Journal of Emergency Nursing. 2022;48(4):342-347 . doi:10.1016/j.jen.2022.05.004.
Buchan SA, Smith PM, Warren C, Murti M, Mustard C, Kim JH, Menon S, Brown KA, Van Ingen T, Smith BT. Incidence of outbreak-associated COVID-19 cases by industry in Ontario, Canada, 1 April 2020-31 March 2021. Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2022;79(6):403-411. doi:10.1136/oemed-2021-107879.
O'Loughlin RA, Kristman VL, Gilbeau A. Inclusion of Indigenous workers in workplace mental health. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. 2022;41(3):340-351. doi:10.1108/EDI-07-2020-0176.
Jetha A, Nasir K, Van Eerd D, Gignac MA, Martin Ginis KA, Tompa E. Inclusion of young people with disabilities in the future of work: forecasting workplace, labour market and community-based strategies through an online and accessible Delphi survey protocol. BMJ Open. 2022;12(7):e055452. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055452.
Somani R, Muntaner C, Smith PM, Hillan EM, Velonis AJ. Increased workplace bullying against nurses during COVID-19: a health and safety issue. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 2022;12(9):47-53. doi:10.5430/jnep.v12n9p47.
Biswas A, Begum M, Van Eerd D, Johnston H, Smith PM, Gignac MA. Integrating safety and health promotion in workplaces: a scoping review of facilitators, barriers, and recommendations. Health Promotion Practice. 2022;23(6):984-998. doi:10.1177/15248399211028154.
Premji S, Begum M, Medley A. Language accommodations in workers' compensation: comparing Ontario and Quebec. New Solutions. 2022;31(4):452-459. doi:10.1177/10482911211053020.
Jung Y, Longo C, Tompa E. Longitudinal assessment of labor market earnings among patients diagnosed with cancer in Canada. JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(12):e2245717. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.45717.