eOfficeErgo is an evidence-based and standard-compliant online training program on the proper way to set up and work at office workstations in order to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and other injuries. It is available in the following three versions:
- a free web-based version from IWH, available in both English and French (NOTE: this version works best with Mozilla Firefox);
- a SCORM-compliant version that offers tracking functionality from PSHSA; and
- a free SCORM-compliant or HTML5 version, available in both English and French, to download for use in an organization’s own learning management system (LMS).
Please note that the use of the eOfficeErgo training is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.
By the end of the program, learners will be able to:
- Discuss the risks associated with computer work
- Explain the importance of varying their work posture
- Determine the key factors in maximizing their “comfort zone”
- Evaluate their office work environment
- Apply ergonomics strategies to the arrangement of their work environment
- Explain the importance of healthy computing habits, including rest breaks
The program’s nine interactive modules are designed so that participants can learn at their own pace, in their own environment. The course takes approximately 90 minutes in total to complete, and allows employees to start and stop the program as their time allows.
The training program was developed by the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) in partnership with the Public Services Health & Safety Association (PSHSA), the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and the U.S.-based Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety.
The content has been reviewed by an international scientific panel of academics and practising ergonomists to ensure it complied with current scientific findings and international standards. These include the Canadian Standards Association’s CSA-Z412-00 (R2011): Guideline on Office Ergonomics, as well as the office ergonomics standards from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Who should use the training program
eOfficeErgo is designed for employees who regularly use computers on the job and would benefit from self-directed online training on healthy workstation habits. As such, it’s an ideal program for human resources professionals, trainers, occupational health and safety professionals and managers to include in orientation packages for new officer workers and in ongoing training programs for current office workers.
Those offering the online training may want to follow up with in-person sessions designed to increase the confidence of workers and supervisors in their ability to successfully identify problems and implement solutions. Research has shown the online training is even more effective when enhanced by this type of in-person follow-up.