2022 Call for Members of the IWH Board of Directors
The Institute for Work & Health (IWH) is an independent, not-for-profit research organization. Our mission is to promote, protect and improve the safety and health of working people by conducting actionable research that is valued by employers, workers and policy-makers.
IWH is now accepting applications from skilled and qualified leaders who are interested in sitting as members of the IWH Board of Directors.
Role of the Board
The IWH Board of Directors is the Institute’s governing body, with the legal responsibility for the stewardship of the IWH’s mission, for ensuring IWH’s stability and financial integrity, and for providing strategic linkages with other organizations engaged in the pursuit of similar objectives.
The primary responsibilities of the Board are to:
- review and approve IWH’s five-year strategic plans, annual operating plans and annual operating and capital budgets;
- ensure that the Institute’s by-laws meet contemporary standards and that governance practices are consistent with the organization’s by-laws;
- recruit, support and evaluate the performance of the IWH president;
- ensure policies and procedures have been established to protect the organization and Board from potential liabilities and risks;
- ensure that appropriate policies have been established to govern the management of human resources, including the succession of senior staff; and
- promote the reputation of the Institute as a well-governed organization that produces trusted and reliable research findings.
Core qualities and expertise of Board members
We are looking for Board members who:
- are committed to the vision, mission and core values of the Institute;
- understand the obligations and responsibilities of a Board director and the distinction between the governance role of the Board of Directors and the operational responsibilities of an organization’s management team;
- have the skills to contribute to the strategic development of the organization;
- have the ability to work as a member of a team and respect the views of others;
- are willing to devote time and energy necessary to learn about the Institute and to perform the duties of a Board director; and
- are enthusiastic about, and have the ability to, resolve challenging issues.
In addition, the following scope of expertise will be reflected among the members of the Board of Directors:
- governance in non-governmental and/or academic research organizations
- human resources management
- labour market, occupational health and safety, employment standards, workers’ compensation, and/or work-related rehabilitation and clinical issues and trends, including the personal, social and economic consequences of work-relevant injury, illness and disability
- legal matters, especially regarding Board governance
- public policy
- financial oversight
- risk management
- strategic planning
- brand leadership and marketing
- research stewardship and knowledge transfer and exchange of research products.
Board terms are for three (3) years, with a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms. All terms take effect at the end of the Annual General Meeting at which members are elected.
Board meetings are held quarterly—in-person or by video conference calls. Meetings of Board subcommittees are held as needed.
Application details
If you are interested in becoming a member of the IWH Board of Directors, please complete the online application form at the link below. Applications will be accepted until August 12, 2022, or until the number of qualified new Board members are found.
The following materials are required to complete the form:
- Contact information
- Statement of interest
- Curriculum vitae (CV)
- Self-assessment of competencies
For more information, please contact the Board’s recording secretary, Lyudmila Mansurova, at lmansurova@iwh.on.ca.
IWH is committed to creating an inclusive workplace that values and promotes diversity. IWH encourages expressions of interest from racialized persons/persons of colour, Indigenous people, women, LGBTQ2S+ persons, persons with disabilities, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas among the Board.
If you require accommodations to apply for a Board position, please contact Derek Wills at dwills@iwh.on.ca or (416) 927-2027, ext. 2115 to discuss your needs.
We thank all those expressing an interest, but only those being considered for a Board position will be contacted.
About IWH
IWH, guided by a Board of Directors and an international Scientific Advisory Committee, conducts research that examines primary prevention and interventions in the workplace; effective and efficient rehabilitation and safe, timely return to work for people with work-related injury and illness; labour market experiences and their health consequences; and disability compensation systems and their behavioural consequences. IWH supports an active knowledge transfer and exchange program, which implements interactive strategies to transfer research findings to key decision-makers. IWH also trains and mentors the next generation of work and health researchers.
IWH is committed to excellent working conditions, a cooperative team environment for its employees, and transparent, diverse and fair recruiting practices of staff and trainees.
IWH operates with the support of the Government of Ontario.
Application deadline:
This opportunity is now closed.