Employer perspectives on supporting return-to-work among public safety personnel who have experienced post-traumatic stress injuries: Summary report

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Published: November 2024

by: Yanar B, Mustard C, Vesely L

The Ontario Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) contracted with Trillium Health / Insight Health Solutions to establish a mental health assessment and treatment specialty program to meet the needs of public safety personnel (PSP) with an accepted compensation claim arising from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

To assess the specific benefits of the First Responder Mental Health Treatment (FRMHT) program, the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) and the Institute for Better Health conducted a mixed-methods formative evaluation of the program with four components. They included quantitative analysis of the clinical profile of PSP who were referred to the program over a 12-month period; interviews with FRMHT program clinical staff; interviews with PSP who completed the treatment program; and interviews with representatives of public safety employer representatives supporting return-to work (RTW) among PSP who experience PTSD.

This summary focuses on the fourth component, which was led by IWH.