At Work 67 (Winter 2012)

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All At Work articles about research findings can now be found in the Publications & Resources, on the Plain-language summaries page. At Work articles about events, initiatives, appointments and awards can be found in the News & Events section, on the What’s New page.

IWH research helps shape new work integration initiative

In November 2010, Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board introduced the new Work Reintegration Program. Many of its features address problems with the old vocational rehabilitation program that were described by Institute for Work & Health research.

Message from the president: Listening to stakeholders about research priorities

The following message is from Institute for Work & Health President Dr. Cameron Mustard, commenting on the Institute’s consultation last fall about research priorities.

Driven by data: The promising impact of research on policy

In illustrating how research at California’s RAND Corporation helped to reform policy, Dr. Robert Reville, speaking at the annual Nachemson lecture, brought an important take-away message north of the 49th parallel: Research and policy analysis can improve workers’ compensation policy in many ways.

Hot off the presses...and into the hands of practitioners

Getting new and updated Institute for Work & Health tools to practitioners is paramount, and this season the Institute was full steam ahead.

Fast but finite: Complementary and alternative therapies

A review led by a scientist from the Institute for Work & Health investigated the effectiveness of alternative therapies for back and neck pain and found that the benefits are immediate, but not lasting.

Increasing psychological demands elevate risk of depression

New, policy-relevant research from the Institute for Work & Health on Canadian workers finds that increases in job demands can increase the risk of depression.

Reducing presenteeism through workplace health promotion programs

Workplace health promotion programs are a strategy adopted by employers to address presenteeism and on-the-job performance. But are these programs effective? A recent review of the evidence suggests some are, and points to program components that help to make them successful.

IWH News

IWH welcomes new Board members ~ IWH scientific director delivers keynote ~ IWH research gets honourable mention