Dr. Lisa Engel
University of Manitoba
Dr. Lisa Engel is a registered occupational therapist and an assistant professor in the Department of Occupational Therapy in the College of Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Manitoba.
Her program of research evolved directly from her clinical experiences working as a hospital-based occupational therapist. Her research aims to improve the financial capability and financial well-being of people living with chronic health conditions or disabilities, especially those living with cognitive impairments—based on the view that addressing finances is foundational to addressing health. She also focuses on the assessment and intervention of financial capability and financial well-being within health and social-care contexts.
Engel received her master's of science in occupational science/therapy and her PhD in rehabilitation sciences, both from the University of Toronto. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University Health Network’s Centre for Prognosis in Rheumatic Diseases. She was awarded a three-year Canadian Institutes of Health Research allied health fellowship during her doctoral studies, an Arthritis Society post-doctoral research fellowship, and a three-year project grant from the Government of Canada Social Development Partnerships Program (disability component).