Qing Liao

Research Analyst
Staff email
Staff extension
416-927-2027 ext. 2155

Qing Liao is a research analyst at the Institute for Work & Health. She is proficient in analyzing health administration data, including workers' compensation data and survey data from Statistics Canada.

Since joining the Institute in 2010, Liao has provided research analysis support for a variety of projects. Currently, she is working with Dr. Peter Smith to develop enhanced information on occupational injury hazard exposures in the Ontario labour force. Additionally, she is working with Dr. Arif Jetha to study the intelligent machines and human worker inequities.

Liao holds an MSc in biostatistics from the University of Toronto, an honours bachelor's degree in statistics from York University, and an honours bachelor's degree in telecommunication engineering from XiDian University in China.

Photo of Qing Liao