Dr. Ulrik Gensby
Team Working Life Denmark
Dr. Ulrik Gensby is a partner and senior scientist in work disability management and knowledge transfer and exchange at Team Working Life Denmark.
With a sociological background in work and health, Gensby was previously a post-doctoral research scientist at the National Centre for Occupational Rehabilitation in Norway, and a fellowship trainee with the CIHR Strategic Training Program in Work Disability Prevention at the University of Toronto. He was also an assistant professor in work and rehabilitation at the Helix Competence Centre at Linköping University in Sweden.
Gensby’s research interests focus on understanding the prevention and management of work disability in organizations, the industrial relations of return to work, and knowledge exchange to sustain relationships with workplace parties and research use.
His research expertise includes synthesis research, process evaluation, and participatory and qualitative research methods. His research is broadly related to help engage workplace stakeholders in capacity building, and the systematic development and evaluation of workplace disability management policy and practice.
Gensby earned his PhD at Roskilde University in Denmark, and the International Research Institute of Stavanger in Norway.