Measuring occupational health and safety vulnerability in Alberta

Reasons for the study

Since 2013, researchers at the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) have worked on better defining and measuring occupational health and safety (OHS) vulnerability—moving past demographic and industrial characteristics as the key factors behind vulnerability to conceptualize OHS vulnerability as a dynamic process. Through previous work at the Institute, information on OHS vulnerability has been captured among workers in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia. This study will collect information on OHS vulnerability in the province of Alberta.

Objectives of the study

  • Conduct a survey of OHS vulnerability among workers in Alberta using the OHS Vulnerability measure developed at IWH
  • Capture important workplace and occupational information, as well as the prevalence of injuries and the reporting of these injuries to workers' compensation boards

Target audience

OHS stakeholders in Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia will have interests in the research findings of this project. So too will stakeholders and researchers more broadly who work in the area of primary prevention of workplace injuries and/or the surveillance of OHS risk factors.

Related scientific publications

Related interviews and articles

Project status

Completed 2019

Research team

Funded by

OHS Futures Alberta