Cost and benefits
Questions about costs and benefits sometimes matter to practitioners and policy-makers in occupational health and safety and disability management. Economic evaluation studies at IWH calculate the costs and benefits of injury, illness and disability prevention programs, both workplace-based and at the systems level. Findings from these studies, and discussions about how and what to measure in economic evaluations, are pulled together here.

IWH Speaker Series
Estimating the financial benefits of OHS spending: a study of Ontario employers
Published: February 14, 2023

IWH Speaker Series
Development and implementation of a framework for estimating the economic benefits of an accessible and inclusive society
Published: February 8, 2022
IWH Speaker Series
IWH Speaker Series
Estimating the financial benefits of OHS spending: a study of Ontario employers
In high-income countries, employer spending on occupational health and safety (OHS) can be substantial. But what are the financial benefits of these expenditures? An Institute for Work & Health (IWH) team recently developed and applied a transparent methodology to estimate the return on investment (ROI) of OHS spending for Ontario employers. In this presentation, IWH Associate Scientist Dr. Basak Yanar and IWH Adjunct Scientist Dr. Cameron Mustard, also former IWH president and senior scientist, share the methodology they used to arrive at the ROI estimates in three important economic sectors: construction, transportation and manufacturing.
Published: February 2023
Journal article
Journal article
Financial incentives to promote employment of persons with disabilities: a scoping review of when and how they work best
Published: Disability and Rehabilitation, January 2023
Journal article
Journal article
Estimating the financial benefits of employers' occupational health and safety expenditures
Published: Safety Science, January 2023

At Work article
IWH estimates point to positive return on OHS investment in three Ontario sectors
An estimate of the return-on-investment in occupational health and safety is not a figure that many individual employers can easily come up with on their own. A team at IWH has come up with an estimate for three Ontario sectors, based on previous research and WSIB data.
Published: July 2022

IWH in the media
Study finds positive ROI in workplace safety and health in three key sectors
A study of large employers in the manufacturing, construction and transportation sectors in Ontario found average returns on investment in workplace safety and health ranging from 24% to 114%, according to research by the Institute for Work & Health.
Published: Safety+Health, June 2022

Issue Briefing
Estimating the financial return on employers’ investments in the prevention of work injuries in Ontario
Following a 2017 study to estimate occupational health and safety (OHS) expenditures by employers with 20 or more employees in Ontario, Canada, an Institute for Work & Health (IWH) team has set out to estimate the financial return on those OHS expenditures. This Issue Briefing shares findings from that follow-up study.
Published: May 2022

At Work article
How government funding can best support the employment of persons with disabilities
What kind of government funding best encourages employers to hire and retain persons with disabilities? A research team at the Institute for Work & Health recently explored this question.
Published: May 2022
Project report
Project report
Funding employment services to create sustainable employment opportunities for persons with disabilities
This report provides evidence-based insights for policy-makers on the design and administration of funding programs for employment services for persons with disabilities that promote gainful and, ideally, sustainable paid employment opportunities.
Published: April 2022
IWH Speaker Series
IWH Speaker Series
Development and implementation of a framework for estimating the economic benefits of an accessible and inclusive society
Despite progress to date, persons with disabilities still face discrimination and other barriers to full participation in society. What would be the economic benefits if these barriers are removed? Understanding the magnitude of the benefits can provide invaluable information to policy-makers, disability advocates and industry leaders as they consider the rewards of efforts to improve accessibility. In this presentation, IWH Senior Scientist Dr. Emile Tompa shares a framework his research team developed for estimating the economic benefits of an accessible and inclusive society. He also shares the results of the framework when implemented for the Canadian context.
Published: February 2022
Journal article
Journal article
Development and implementation of a framework for estimating the economic benefits of an accessible and inclusive society
Published: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, January 2022