Workers' compensation and benefits policy
Workers' compensation is a form of insurance providing wage replacement and medical benefits to workers injured in the course of their employment. Eligibility for, and awarding of, benefits to injured workers are determined by workers’ compensation boards, which are funded through employer premiums. IWH research explores trends in compensation benefits, including benefit adequacy and equity, as well as the effects of compensation policy design on injury and illness prevention.
Research Highlights
Workers are using cannabis to treat work-related conditions, mostly without medical guidance
While cannabis is often used recreationally, there is growing interest in its use for therapeutic purposes, such as for pain, anxiety, depression and sleep problems. Some workers are using cannabis many months following the onset of a work-related condition, mostly without medical guidance.
Published: October 5, 2023
Impact case study
Following reports by IWH and others, B.C. amends the law to strengthen protections against claim suppression
After an IWH study filled a research gap on claim suppression in B.C. and helped make the case for change, the province amended legislation to strengthen protections against the practice.
Published: July 6, 2023
Journal article
Journal article
The impact of regulatory workplace safety inspections on workers' compensation claim rates
Published: American Journal of Industrial Medicine, July 2024
Journal article
Journal article
An observational study of pain severity, cannabis use, and benefit expenditures in work disability
Published: Canadian Journal of Public Health, January 2024
Journal article
Journal article
Understanding the early impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on brain injury associations across Canada: a qualitative study
Published: Inquiry, November 2023
Journal article
Journal article
Thirteen-year associations of occupational and leisure-time physical activity with cardiorespiratory fitness in CARDIA
Published: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, November 2023
Research Highlights
Workers are using cannabis to treat work-related conditions, mostly without medical guidance
While cannabis is often used recreationally, there is growing interest in its use for therapeutic purposes, such as for pain, anxiety, depression and sleep problems. Some workers are using cannabis many months following the onset of a work-related condition, whether to treat their condition or for other reasons, mostly without medical guidance.
Published: October 2023
Journal article
Journal article
Transition between social protection systems for workers with long term health problems: a controlled retrospective cohort study
Published: SSM - Population Health, August 2023
Impact case study
Following reports by IWH and others, B.C. amends the law to strengthen protections against claim suppression
After an IWH study filled a research gap on claim suppression in B.C. and helped make the case for change, the province amended legislation to strengthen protections against the practice.
Published: July 2023
Journal article
Journal article
Cannabis use among workers with work-related injuries and illnesses: results from a cross-sectional study of workers' compensation claimants in Ontario, Canada
Published: BMJ Open, July 2023
IWH in the media
Union calls for national task force to fight violence against transport workers
An article by Jim Wilson on workplace violence in the transit sector cites IWH study on pain post-injury.
Published: Canadian HR Reporter, January 2023
Journal article
Journal article
Estimating the financial benefits of employers' occupational health and safety expenditures
Published: Safety Science, January 2023