In this two-part presentation, Dr. Johnny Dyreborg summarizes findings from a systematic review on the effectiveness of safety interventions and describe an interactive approach of knowledge exchange.
The first part of the presentation covers preliminary results from a recent review that evaluated a range of different types of safety interventions directed at reducing workplace injuries. The review was broad in scope to help stakeholders select the more effective approaches to reduce accidental injuries at work.However, syntheses of research evidence typically use methods that generalize effects and de-contextualize research findings. Nevertheless, for more effective prevention, it is useful to contextualize findings relevant to the research users.
The second part of this presentation outlines an interactive knowledge exchange approach for implementing evidence-based ‘best practice’ injury prevention at the workplace. We used insights from the Institute for Work & Health's Knowledge Transfer and Exchange (KTE) approach, which considers promoting engagement of researchers and research users in sharing knowledge. An example of how the intended knowledge exchange approach is expected to promote preventive action is presented.