Employer perspectives on supporting public safety personnel’s return to work after post-traumatic stress injuries

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.


Basak Yanar
Institute for Work & Health

Cameron Mustard
Institute for Work & Health

Public safety personnel—i.e., people who work in police, fire, paramedics and corrections services—experience higher rates of post-traumatic stress injuries (PTSI) than the general public. These injuries often take them off the job for long periods as part of their recovery. Employers in public safety can play an important role in supporting the return to work of employees who’ve experienced PTSI, but limited information is available on employer experiences, needs and challenges.

In this presentation, Dr. Basak Yanar and Dr. Cameron Mustard share the findings of a qualitative study conducted with representatives of public safety employers, unions and associations in Ontario. The study examines employer experiences supporting the return to work of public safety personnel with PTSI. It also highlights perspectives on best practices and innovations in PTSI prevention and disability management.  

About presenter(s)

Dr. Basak Yanar is a scientist at the Institute for Work & Health, and an assistant professor in the division of Social and Behavioural Health Sciences in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. She holds a PhD in organizational behaviour and human resource management from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto. As a social scientist with disciplinary training in organizational behaviour, Yanar is also interested in the psychosocial work environment and the ways organizations can promote healthier and safer workplaces.

Dr. Cameron Mustard is the former president and senior scientist at the Institute for Work & Health, retiring in January 2022 after 20 years in the position. He continues his affiliation with the Institute, leading a number of active research projects. Mustard's research interests include work environments, labour market experiences and health, the distributional equity of publicly funded health and health care programs in Canada, and the epidemiology of socioeconomic health inequalities across the human life course.

About IWH Speaker Series

The IWH Speaker Series brings you the latest findings from work and health researchers from the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) and beyond. For those unable to attend, the recorded webinar of most presentations in the IWH Speaker Series are made available on its web page within a week of the event.