Evaluating the impact of mandatory awareness training on occupational health and safety vulnerability in Ontario
Reasons for the study
On July 2014, the province of Ontario introduced new regulations making occupational health and safety (OHS) awareness training mandatory for all employees and supervisors. The required training included instruction on duties and rights of workers, supervisors and employers, an overview of other health and safety actors such as joint health and safety committees and the Ministry of Labour, and a review of common workplace hazards and occupational illness. The change was designed to increase worker and supervisor knowledge of basic OHS rights and responsibilities and improve the health and safety of Ontario’s most vulnerable workers. The Institute for Work & Health evaluated the impact of the regulatory change on OHS vulnerability in Ontario.
Objectives of the study
- To measure four dimensions of OHS vulnerability in a sample of workers in Ontario and British Columbia before and after the introduction of mandatory awarenesss training in Ontario
- To compare changes in the dimensions of OHS vulnerability before and after the training regulation was implemented in Ontario, as compared to British Columbia where no such regulatory change occurred
Related scientific publications
- Konijn AM, Lay M, Boot CR, Smith PM. The effect of active and passive occupational health and safety (OHS) training on OHS awareness and empowerment to participate in injury prevention among workers in Ontario and British Columbia (Canada). Safety Science. 2018;108:286-291. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2017.12.026 .
Related interviews and articles
- IWH study examines effect of Ontario’s mandatory OHS training on awareness. At Work: Institute for Work & Health; No. 89, Summer 2017.
IWH Speaker Series presentations
- Evaluating the impact of mandatory awareness training in Ontario. IWH Speaker Series. April 11, 2017.
Project status
Completed 2018
Research team
Collaborators and partners
Public Services Health & Safety Association
Workers Health & Safety Centre
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services
Funded by
Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Ontario Ministry of Labour's Research Opportunities Program