Disability and work

People with disabilities face substantially lower employment levels than the general working-age population. This page pulls together research and resources on policies and practices aimed at improving the labour market participation of people living with disabilities.


An alarm clock sits on a computer keyboard.
Research Highlights

Examining four types of job disruptions due to a health condition, and the differences expected when workplace support needs are met

Job disruptions are common among workers living with chronic physical and/or mental health conditions, an IWH study has found. The study investigated the effects of workplace supports had on four types of job disruptions.
Published: March 11, 2025
A graphic of two women surrounded by superimposed graphical data and screens. One wears virtual reality goggles and the other holds a laptop computer.
At Work article

Top-ranked strategies to support young persons with disabilities in the future of work

IWH researchers asked persons with disabilities, practitioners and subject matter experts about strategies for disability inclusion in the face of six future of work challenges. A new report details their top-ranked strategies to foster inclusion in the face of each challenge.
Published: June 7, 2024
An alarm clock sits on a computer keyboard.
Research Highlights

Examining four types of job disruptions due to a health condition, and the differences expected when workplace support needs are met

Job disruptions are common among workers living with chronic physical and/or mental health conditions, an IWH study has found. The study investigated the effects of workplace supports had on four types of job disruptions.
Published: March 2025
Journal article
Journal article
A graphic of two women surrounded by superimposed graphical data and screens. One wears virtual reality goggles and the other holds a laptop computer.
At Work article

Top-ranked strategies to support young persons with disabilities in the future of work

IWH researchers asked persons with disabilities, practitioners and subject matter experts about strategies for disability inclusion in the face of six future of work challenges, such as advancing technologies, climate change and artificial intelligence. A new report details their top-ranked strategies for each challenge that can help to foster inclusion in the labour market and the workplace.
Published: June 2024
A seated woman with a clipboard in-hand speaks to a female client
Research Highlights

How do employment support programs impact the health of young adults with episodic disabilities?

The unpredictable and often invisible nature of episodic disabilities can make it challenging for workers to find and sustain employment while managing their fluctuating symptoms and work demands. For young adults navigating early career phases, these challenges may also have life-long impacts on their career progression and health. Researchers on an IWH study set out to investigate whether employment support programs for young adults with episodic disabilities may also impact their health.
Published: April 2024
Project report
Project report

Supporting young persons with disabilities in the future of work

Social, technological, economic, environmental, and political trends are changing the nature and availability of work at a rapid rate. These changes will bring challenges and opportunities for young persons living with disabilities who are entering the working world. This report summarizes the results of a multi-phase study that used a consensus-building approach to identify the future challenges that may face young persons with disabilities and the rank the different strategies that might ensure young people with disabilities find and sustain employment in the decades ahead.
Published: March 2024
Project report
Project report

Soutenir les jeunes personnes handicapées dans l’avenir du travail

Les tendances sociales, technologiques, économiques, environnementales et politiques modifient rapidement la nature et la disponibilité du travail. Ces changements seront source de défis et d’opportunités pour les jeunes personnes vivant avec un handicap qui entrent dans le monde du travail. Ce rapport résume les résultats d'une étude en plusieurs phases qui a utilisé une approche de recherche de consensus pour identifier les défis futurs auxquels les jeunes handicapés pourraient être confrontés et classer les différentes stratégies qui pourraient garantir que les jeunes handicapés trouvent et conservent un emploi dans les décennies à venir.
Published: March 2024
Journal article
Journal article

The adequacy of workplace accommodation and the incidence of permanent employment separations after a disabling work injury or illness

Published: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, March 2024