Illness/injury prevention

IWH has a long history of conducting research to provide practical guidance to employers, workers, OHS professionals and regulators about what works and what doesn’t in injury or illness prevention. This research targets the injury and illness prevention practices of workplaces, as well as the programs developed by governments, health and safety associations and others to support and motivate workplaces to adopt effective practices.


Two ambulance parked at the emergency entrance of a hospital in the night
At Work article

Rates of work injuries have declined in Ontario, except the most severe

From 2004 to 2017, rates of work-related injuries requiring an emergency department visit declined in Ontario. But that overall downward trend was driven by injuries that were mild or moderate in severity. Rates of very severe injuries did not fall among men and even increased among women.
Published: July 12, 2024
A New Zealand construction worker holding papers looking off-camera with a city skyline behind
Impact case study

Construction safety org adapts IWH research messages for tradesworker audience

A key program from Construction Health and Safety New Zealand—developed using IWH research—takes a participatory ergonomics approach to better prevent and manage musculoskeletal injuries among construction workers.
Published: February 28, 2024

Developing a framework for understanding and measuring OHS vulnerability

IWH researchers looked for a better way to measure occupational health and safety (OHS) vulnerability among workers, one that moves beyond the demographic characteristics of workers to look at the factors in their workplaces that put them at increased risk of injury and illness.
Status: Completed 2016
Window cleaners against mirrored skyscraper
Impact case study

Expert panel reshapes Ontario's OHS system

IWH scientists support the work of the Dean panel with "trusted" and "balanced" research and analysis.
Published: July 2011
Project report
Project report

Benchmarking organizational leading indicators for the prevention and management of injuries and illnesses: final report

Can a simple tool be developed that will predict a firm’s workplace injury experience based on an assessment of its health and safety policies and practices? This was the question that a team of partners within Ontario's occupational health and safety (OHS) system set out to answer, and it looks like the answer is “yes.” This report describes the team's work developing these potential OHS leading indicators.
Published: January 2011
Black and white image of a German public square
Impact case study

German MSD campaign incorporates IWH systematic review findings

Germany's social insurance authority regularly turns to systematic reviews from the Institute for Work & Health because of their quality and reliability.
Published: November 2010
Journal article
A man places a hand on his right shoulder
Impact case study

Ontario prevention system produces MSD toolkit

IWH joins system partners in the creation of the MSD Prevention Guideline, an essential resource for province's enforcement efforts.
Published: September 2010
Journal article
Journal article
Journal article

Occupational safety and health interventions to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms in the health care sector

Published: Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, June 2010
Journal article