Return to work, accommodation and support

IWH has a long history of conducting research on practices, policies and processes that help workers sustainably return to work after an illness or an injury. This page pulls together IWH research and resources on employer supports, job accommodations and modifications, as well as other related issues such as disclosure of disability.


A seated woman with a clipboard in-hand speaks to a female client
Research Highlights

How do employment support programs impact the health of young adults with episodic disabilities?

Episodic disabilities can make it challenging for workers to find and sustain employment while managing their symptoms and work demands. An IWH study investigated the health impacts of employment support programs for young adults with episodic disabilities.
Published: April 8, 2024
A man speaks with a female doctor in scrubs who holds a clipboard
Research Highlights

Workers are using cannabis to treat work-related conditions, mostly without medical guidance

While cannabis is often used recreationally, there is growing interest in its use for therapeutic purposes, such as for pain, anxiety, depression and sleep problems. Some workers are using cannabis many months following the onset of a work-related condition, mostly without medical guidance.
Published: October 5, 2023
Illustraion of a crane dropping in the number seven into place among a row of numbers
Tools and guides

Seven “Principles” for Successful Return to Work

This popular guide outlines seven principles that the research shows are associated with workplace practices that can help ensure the successful return of a worker after injury or illness.
Published: January 2007
Research Highlights
Research Highlights

Whiplash after traffic accidents can lead to depression

Symptoms of depression appear to be relatively common after whiplash injury. They occur soon after the incident and can be persistent, especially if patients have a history of depressive symptoms.
Published: January 2007
At Work article
At Work article

IWH research adds to body of knowledge on MSDs

It wasn’t always evident that changing a worker’s posture or reducing time on certain tasks could prevent painful soft-tissue disorders. Over the past two decades, these connections have been established through research. IWH has contributed significantly to this boody of knowledge.
Published: November 2006
Journal article
Journal article

Systematic review of the qualitative literature on return to work after injury

Published: Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, August 2006
At Work article
At Work article

New centre aims to improve return-to-work outcomes

The newly-opened Centre for Research Expertise in Improving Disability Outcomes (CREIDO) will focus on the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of chronic MSK pain and disability.
Published: April 2006
At Work article
At Work article

Too much treatment, too early after whiplash injury delays recovery

Whiplash patients who are treated too aggressively right after being injured may actually take longer to recover than those who get less treatment. That’s the conclusion of a recently published study by Institute Scientist Dr. Pierre Côté.
Published: February 2006
Research Highlights
Research Highlights

Work-related injuries reduce caregiving hours at home

Study participants recovering from work-related musculoskeletal disorders report a significant drop in the amount of time they spend providing care to family outside of work.
Published: January 2006
Research Highlights
Research Highlights

Depression, poor physical health increase injured workers’ disability days

Poor physical health and more depressed mood significantly increased the total number of days that workers received compensation benefits, study finds.
Published: January 2006
Journal article
Journal article

Workplace-based return-to-work interventions: a systematic review of the quantitative literature

Published: Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, December 2005
Systematic Review
Systematic Review

Workplace-based return-to-work interventions: a systematic review of the quantitative and qualitative literature (appendices)

This report contains appendices to the systematic review of the quantitative and qualitative literature of workplace-based return-to-work interventions.
Published: January 2004