Mental health and work
Awareness is growing about the importance of how the work environment, in particular the psychosocial environment, can impact the mental health of workers. Awareness is also growing about the differing work accommodation and return-to-work needs of workers with mental—versus physical—health conditions. Our research aims to identify and measure psychosocial hazards and explore how dimensions of the psychosocial work environment can promote positive mental health or lead to poorer mental health. Our research also explores workplace and system-level strategies for helping workers with mental health conditions—including post-traumatic stress disorders—stay in and return to work.
Latest findings
Employers face challenges in supporting public safety personnel with post-traumatic stress injuries
In Ontario, a pilot program has been developed to help treat public safety workers with post-traumatic stress injuries. To identify any needed changes to the program, IWH researchers asked employers about their experiences helping these workers return to work after a mental health injury.A new tool to help workers make health disclosure decision
IWH’s new tool, called DCIDE, is designed for workers with chronic and episodic conditions.Workplace supports buffer productivity impacts of rheumatic diseases and depression
Young adults who live with both a rheumatic disease and depression have lower productivity than those who have only one or neither condition. That’s according to a new IWH study. Findings from this small study also suggest that having a supportive working environment can buffer lost productivity.Featured guide
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