Evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of Ontario’s working-at-heights training standard

Reasons for the study

Preventing serious injuries and fatalities arising from falls from heights in construction work is a priority for many jurisdictions, including Ontario. In 2014, Ontario introduced regulations defining a working-at-heights (WAH) training program standard and established a program for accrediting training providers in Ontario. The standard prescribed one-day training with both theoretical and practical components. This study examines the effectiveness of the mandatory training standard and what is being learned from the experience of its implementation.

Objectives of the study

  • Analyze administrative data to describe characteristics of WAH learners and trends in the incidence of falls from heights
  • Survey construction employers to assess their experience with the training and the impact it had on company practices
  • Survey learners in WAH training classes to assess changes in knowledge and self-reported work practices attributable to the training, as well as barriers to transferring learning to the worksite
  • Survey training providers about the impact of the WAH training standard

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Project status


Research team

Collaborators and partners

Infrastructure Health & Safety Association

Funded by

Ontario Ministry of Labour