Document directory
Product guide
This guide to IWH resources points post-secondary students and instructors in occupational health and safety, disability management and/or work injury rehablitation to tools, guides and other information products from IWH that can help ensure evidence-based information is incorporated into research projects, essays, presentations, lessons and lectures.
Product guide
This guide to IWH resources points ergonomists, kinesiologists and other workplace musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) prevention specialists to tools, guides and information products from IWH that can help ensure evidence-based information is incorporated into MSD prevention policies and practices.
Product guide
This guide to IWH resources points occupational health and safety, disablity management and rehabilitation practitioners to tools, guides and other information products from IWH that can help ensure evidence-based information is incorporated into policies and practices to prevent work injury, illness and disability.
Tools and guides
This guide provides simple explanations of over 35 common research terms used in the health and social sciences to help users of research better understand what scientists mean when they report their findings.
Research Highlights
The differing levels of work activity limitations among women and men are explained by the different chronic conditions they are likely to have and the different physical demands they are likely to face on the job.
Project report
Health-care providers play an important role in the return to work of injured workers, yet research suggests they sometimes struggle with this responsibility. This executive summary provides an overview of the findings of a study on health-care providers' experiences in return to work and in working with workers' compensation systems.
Project report
Health-care providers play an important role in the return to work of injured workers, yet research suggests they sometimes struggle with this responsibility. This report shares the findings of a study on health-care providers' experiences in return to work and in working with workers' compensation systems. It also suggests practices and policies that may help clarify the role of health-care providers and make workers’ compensation systems easier to navigate for all stakeholders.
Impact case study
The IWH Organizational Performance Metric (IWH-OPM) helps WorksafeBC act on a review recommendation to assess safety culture in the province's workplaces.
Impact case study
Four factors that predict how long injured workers will remain off work are incorporated into new case management model at Ontario's Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.
Impact case study
Ten years after it took part in a participatory ergonomics study, Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro's change team was still going strong.
Impact case study
Despite a strong OHS record, construction and facilities management company sees benefit of learning more through use of IWH's OHS Vulnerability Measure.
Issue Briefing
This Issue Briefing provides highlights of IWH's body of evidence on "vulnerable" workers, tracking how our research has evolved from vulnerability being associated with those who are new to a job to those who are exposed to hazards with inadequate awareness, protective policies and/or empowerment.
Sharing Best Evidence
Upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) include painful conditions and injuries of the muscles, tendons, joints and nerves that affect the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists and hands. This update of a previous systematic review sets out to find occupational health and safety (OHS) interventions that effectively prevent and manage upper extremity MSDs.
Impact case study
A new way of thinking about "vulnerable workers" makes inroads with Ontario's Ministry of Labour and its partners.
Annual Report
Twenty Five Years of Making a Difference: The Institute for Work & Health's 2015 Annual Report
Project report
This June 2016 presentation provides an early look at the results of an economic burden study on the costs to Canadian society of new cases of lung cancers and mesothelioma attributable to occupational asbestos exposures in a particular year.
Issue Briefing
In 2011, an IWH Issue Briefing summed up research on the adequacy of earnings replacement benefits for injured workers with permanent impairments in Ontario and B.C. This update looks at more recent cohorts, after major changes in Ontario’s workers’ compensation legislation.
Research Highlights
Workplaces that jointly manage operations and occupational health and safety (OHS) perform well at both, and no worse than workplaces that focus on only one. There’s no evidence that success in operations requires a trade-off with safety.
Research Highlights
Older men and women with work-related injuries remain off work on benefits longer than other workers, and this longer time off work is not explained by the type or severity of their injuries.
Tools and guides
This evidence-based, eight-item questionnaire helps organizations assess and improve their health and safety performance by indicating where improvements might be made to health and safety policies and practices in order to prevent injuries or illnesses from occurring.
Tools and guides
This tool assesses the extent to which a worker may be vulnerable to occupational health and safety (OHS) risks at work in four areas: hazard exposure; workplace policies and procedures; worker awareness of hazards and OHS rights and responsibilities; and worker empowerment to participate in injury and illness prevention.
The Ontario Leading Indicators Project (OLIP) was a study conducted by the Institute for Work & Health from 2011-2014 that included a survey made up of five different leading indicator measures. This benchmarking table allows organizations to compare their scores with organizations in Ontario's construction, transportation or electrical & utilities sectors.
Impact case study
New workers are in the spotlight after IWH research show workers are at much greater risk of injury in the first month of the job.
Impact case study
Why the U.S. federal agency OSHA cites IWH research to bolster changes in its approach to enforcement.
Impact case study
With regulatory change, Ontario's Ministry of Labour addresses gap in experience rating system after IWH study shows temp workers falling through the cracks.
Impact case study
The eight-item IWH-OPM is used in several provinces to strengthen safety performance in workplaces.
Project report
This November 2015 presentation provides an early look at the results of an economic burden study on the costs to Canadian society of new cases of lung cancers and mesothelioma attributable to occupational asbestos exposures in a particular year.
Annual Report
Promoting a Culture of Occupational Health and Safety: The Institute for Work & Health's 2014 Annual Report
KTE resources
This 2015 presentation shares the results of a survey conducted by IWH to learn about the communication preferences and practices of people working in occupational health and safety, disability management and workers' compensation.
Issue Briefing
An IWH study found strongly diverging trends in the annual incidence of occupational injury and non-occupational injury among working-age adults in Ontario from 2004 to 2011. This Issue Briefing highlights opportunities to improve the monitoring of injury across Canada.
Impact case study
Researchers and clinicians alike have embraced the 20-year-old measure that assesses function and disability among people with upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders.
Tools and guides
eOfficeErgo is an evidence-based and standard-compliant online training program designed for employees who regularly use computers on the job and would benefit from self-directed online training on the proper way to set up and work at office workstations in order to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and other injuries.
Archived tools and guides
QuickDecks are slides summarizing findings from systematic reviews on the treatment of back and neck pain in adults. The slides are based on reviews published in the Cochrane Library, and are compiled by Cochrane Back and Neck, housed at the Institute for Work & Health.
Impact case study
Study by IWH "points us in the right direction," says former WSIB exec.
Impact case study
IWH conference on experience rating and financial incentives helps shape review of claims suppression.
Impact case study
IWH opioid and chronic pain expert, Dr. Andrea Furlan, helps shape new rules in her role on drug advisory committee.
Impact case study
Brookfield Johnson Controls turns to the IWH-OPM after deciding to shift focus away from lagging indicators.
Impact case study
A new case management system for delivering services to injured workers and employers in Ontario leads to improved return-to-work outcomes.
Issue Briefing
This Issue Briefing highlights findings from two reports by Prism Economics and Analysis—one for Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and the other for the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba—on the incidence and risk of claim suppression.
Annual Report
The Changing Nature of Work and the Workforce: The Institute for Work & Health's 2013 Annual Report
Project report
This report shares the findings from a study on the prevalence of poverty among permanently impaired injured workers across different time periods and receiving benefits from different legislative programs.
Project report
How are temporary work agencies organized to manage injury prevention and return to work in light of their non-standard organization? How can we better protect the workplace health of temporary work agency workers? This report shares the results of a study that aimed to answer these questions, focusing on job placements for unskilled and semi-skilled jobs by temporary agencies of all sizes.
Impact case study
Institute expertise tapped to evaluate agency's safety perception tool--and to provide a better alternative.