Implementation of a comprehensive accommodation and reintegration program in a police service

Reasons for the study

Police service members face hazardous work that impacts their physical and psychological health, and that can make support, accommodation, and reintegration to their job duties challenging. To address these challenges, police services develop programs and practices to reduce work disability. However, little research has been done to understand the implementation process of these programs. The purpose of the project is to evaluate the implementation process of a recently developed accommodation and reintegration program in the Toronto Police Service, with the goal of improving access to the program, participation, and ultimately the well-being of police officers. The findings from this research can lead to improved implementation practices that can be adapted, shared, and scaled out to benefit other Ontario police services.

Objectives of the study

  • Determine the key workplace structures and processes needed for implementing a comprehensive accommodation and reintegration program in an urban police service from the perspective of those responsible for delivering the program, as well as users of the program.
  • Identify barriers and facilitators encountered in all phases of implementing a comprehensive program in a police service, according to program developers, deliverers, and users.
  • Determine the implementation and program outcomes and adaptations considered by the workplace, and the supports in place or planned for program maintenance and sustainment.

Target audience

Findings from this study will help police services in urban settings improve the implementation of their support, accommodation and integration programs.

Project status


Research team

  • Dwayne Van Eerd, Institute for Work & Health (PI)
  • Tegan Slot, Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA)
  • Emile Tompa, Institute for Work & Health
  • Emma Irvin, Institute for Work & Health
  • Monique Gignac, Institute for Work & Health
  • Heather O'Reilly, McMaster University
  • Nancy Carnide, Institute for Work & Health
  • Kathleen Dobson, Institute for Work & Health
  • Sharmigaa Ragunathan, Institute for Work & Health

Collaborators and partners

Toronto Police Services (Wellness Unit)

Funded by

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)