Future-focused job accommodation practices for the school-to-work transition
Reasons for the study
The future of work is characterized by diverse social, technological, economic, environmental and political changes that are expected to disrupt every industry, transform working conditions and affect the types and availability of jobs. Young people with disabilities who are transitioning from school to work are especially vulnerable to the complex barriers posed by a rapidly changing labour market.
Job accommodations are essential for young people with disabilities to find and sustain employment and career advancement during the school-to-work transition. However, a recent survey of young people with disabilities in Canada found that most reported barriers to accessing job accommodations. Difficulties faced by young people during the school-to-work transition can have a lasting effect and contribute to adverse labour market outcomes that extend across one's working life. The future of work may create unique challenges for young people with disabilities that require innovative job accommodations and workplace supports.
Objectives of the study
- Using a novel Delphi methodology, administer two survey rounds to young people with disabilities, policy-makers, disability employment counsellors, labour market experts and futurists to reach consensus on the best strategies to ensure success of young people with disabilities in the future of work
- Better understand the emerging barriers that young people with disabilities could face in accessing needed job accommodations within the changing world of work
- Generate future-oriented and proactive evidence regarding the school-to-work transition of young people with disabilities and advance knowledge of job accommodation practices
Target audience
The future-oriented and proactive evidence generated by this project on the school-to-work transition for young people with disabilities and their needed accommodations will be of value to employers, educators, employment service providers, policy-makers, and young adults with disabilities and their families.
Related research summaries
- Top-ranked strategies to support young persons with disabilities in the future of work. At Work article: Institute for Work & Health, June 2024.
Related scientific publications
- Jetha A. Soutenir les jeunes personnes handicapées dans l’avenir du travail. Institute for Work & Health; 2024.
- Jetha A. Supporting young persons with disabilities in the future of work. Institute for Work & Health; 2024.
- Jetha A, Nasir K, Van Eerd D, Gignac MA, Martin Ginis KA, Tompa E. Inclusion of young people with disabilities in the future of work: forecasting workplace, labour market and community-based strategies through an online and accessible Delphi survey protocol. BMJ Open. 2022;12(7):e055452. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055452. (Open access)
- Jetha A, Nasir K. Strategies to ensure young persons with disabilities are included in the future of work. Institute for Work & Health; 2022.
Related interviews and articles
- Top ranked strategies to support young persons with disabilities at work . Rehab & Community Care Medicine : BCS Communications Ltd.. October 11, 2024. Available from: http://publications.rehabmagazine.ca/publication/?i=832566&view=issueBrowser
Project status
Research team
Collaborators and partners
Abilities Centre
Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
National Educational Association for Disabled Students
Funded by
Accessibility Standards Canada (Government of Canada)