Accommodating and Communicating about Episodic Disabilities (ACED): A partnership to deliver workplace resources to sustain employment of people with chronic, episodic conditions

Are you currently employed part time or full time? Are you living with a chronic physical or mental health condition that sometimes affects your job? Have you shared some information with your co-workers about your challenges?


Do you have a colleague who is working with a chronic health condition and who has shared some of their health and work challenges with you?

If so, we need your help! We are conducting a new research study to learn more about working and communicating about a health condition. Find out more or email Gemma Woticky at for details.

Reasons for the study

Episodic conditions, including arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's and colitis, depression and anxiety, are often unpredictable and invisible to others, with symptoms that fluctuate from one period in time to another. As such, they create unique challenges in managing workplace disabilities, particularly in implementing privacy and duty-to-accommodate policies. This study aims to enhance the work sustainability and support provided to Canadians with episodic mental and physical health conditions through the development of easily accessed, evidence-based tools, resources and training that protects privacy and facilitates communication and accommodation planning among workers, supervisors and other workplace parties.

Objectives of the study

  • Consolidate and enhance existing evidence for toolkit development
  • Develop new evidence-informed resources, including a communication decision-making tool; interactive job analysis and accommodation planning tool; and skills training workshops for supervisors and HR/disability managers
  • Pilot test and evaluate the toolkit in diverse workplaces, including conducting cost analyses
  • Expand the evidence base to include greater attention to sex/gender, age/life course, diverse employment contexts and episodic conditions
  • Develop new researcher capacity in disability studies
  • Build new workplace partners for testing and dissemination

Target audience

This research is relevant to workers with chronic, episodic conditions, employers, human resources professionals, disability managers, occupational health professionals, insurers, government bodies, and community organizations focused on aging, employment, disability and/or caregiving. Its findings will be relevant to programs aimed at reducing at-work disability, improving work productivity and ensuring the employment sustainability of Canadian workers with episodic disabilities.

Related research summaries

Related scientific publications

Project status


Project website

Research team

  • Monique Gignac, Institute for Work & Health (PI)
  • Dorcas Beaton, Institute for Work & Health
  • Julie Bowring, Institute for Work & Health
  • Curtis Breslin, Institute for Work & Health
  • Emma Irvin, Institute for Work & Health
  • Arif Jetha, Institute for Work & Health
  • Ron Saunders, Institute for Work & Health
  • Peter Smith, Institute for Work & Health
  • Emile Tompa, Institute for Work & Health
  • Dwayne Van Eerd, Institute for Work & Health
  • Renée-Louise Franche, Simon Fraser University
  • Joy MacDermid, University of Western Ontario
  • William Shaw, University of Connecticut Health Center
  • Aaron Thompson, University of Toronto
  • Sabrina Tonima, Institute for Work & Health

Collaborators and partners

  • Canadian Mental Health Association
  • Crohn's & Colitis Canada
  • Great-West Life Centre for Mental Health in the Workplace
  • Mindful Employer Canada
  • Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
  • Ontario Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development
  • Realize Canada
  • The Arthritis Society
  • University of Toronto

Funded by

Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada Signature Initiative